Monday, May 10, 2010

Where is Waldo by Martin Handford, Book REview by Michael

The book was good because it was colorful. Some times it was hard to find Waldo but I ended up finding Waldo. I chose this book because its fun to look at. It is very fun to look att. As I said it is very colorful.

Waldo is going around the world and you have to find out were he is. And you have to find some other people that are with Waldo.

   I would rate this book written and illustrated by Martin Handford a 5 star.


  1. that was a great book you chose. I read it and it was good and also it was colroful sort of hard and was amazing.

  2. i love wheres waldo?!!!!! altough some of the pictures i get stumped and cant find waldo, but its still an awesome book!!
