Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two Great Reads

Thank you Mrs. Finn for the two great books you gave me to read over the weekend.
The first was Stella Stands Alone by A. LaFaye. This is a historical fiction novel with a twist. What would have happened if a planter had freed all of his slaves before the Civil War and treated them as equal partners on the plantation? Stella's father did just that and you can read about what happened because he treated his "folks" with respect. Stella follows her father's beliefs and relies on her strong faith in her struggle to keep Oak Grove Plantation together. I'd give a 4 star rating.
Need a good laugh? The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, follow Holling Hoodhood during his seventh grade year. Poor Holling thinks his teacher is out to get him, lets the class rats escape, is getting death threats from the 8th graders, wears yellow tights with feathers on the backside in a play, and has to read Shakespeare. These are just some of the adventures this 1967 seventh grader has to face during the year that Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy are killed and the Vietnam War is raging. There is a lot of dialogue and misadventures to keep the pages turning. Newbery Award Winner! I'd give it a 5 star rating.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mrs. D! I am planning to read the Wednesday Wars soon!
