Sunday, October 31, 2010

Isabella says...

You should read this book!
Title: Remembering Mrs. Rossi
Author:  Amy Hest
You should read this book because it is sad but interesting.  I gives you good detail and you can picture it in your mind.
My favorite part was when the snow blizzard happened and Annie got to go to work with her dad.


  1. my friend said that was sad... :(
    wat is it about?

  2. Although she loves her father, their home in New York City, and third grade teacher Miss Meadows, Annie misses her mother who died recently.

  3. that sounds sad:(
    and Mrs Finn..
    when u put a book on here that somebody put in ur mailbox do u put a picture of the book?

  4. If I know which book it is and have a picture that I can, I will. I think it may help students sometimes recognize the book. I know that I do not always remember the title of a book that I read, but can remember what the cover looks like! Do you like having a picture of the cover?

  5. yeah cause if i don't reconize the book i can see what it is/ looks like so if i want to read it i can just go to the library remembering the picture!!
